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Protein Shake: Life-Hack to Easy Workouts

Written by Jessica Parker
Updated on Nov 8, 2021
protein shake

A protein shake is an ideal nutritional supplement that helps build muscle, repairs damaged tissue, and synthesizes essential enzymes in the body. It aids in weight loss and helps athletes and bodybuilders to tone their bodies.

 It is advisable thus, to consider some important points before buying any protein shakes. This blog details some answers to the common questions we have about protein shakes.

 Are All Protein Shakes Healthy?

Yes, protein shakes are healthy but only for those whose body requires them. Not everyone of us requires protein shakes in our daily schedule. It’s good for people who do intensive workouts, follow a strict diet, or have changed their exercise regime to more intensive. Protein shakes are also recommended to people who are undergoing recovery. They are popular among those looking for muscle build-up & gaining mass.

Many proteins shake for women are made keeping in mind the biology of women. Protein shakes are not advisable for kids. You should maintain the protein intake for your child through a normal diet and playtime. If you prefer home workouts, protein shakes are combined with exercise on an indoor cycling bike or treadmill. This will help in toning down the body well.

 Are Protein Shakes Good for Weight Loss?

You tend to feel full for a longer period when you stick to a protein-rich diet. Protein shakes avoid overeating, reducing appetite, and snacking. They reduce the level of ghrelin, the hunger hormone. This boosts the level of Peptide YY, a hormone that makes you feel full. Browse our blog to know the best time to take protein shakes for weight loss and a healthy body.

What are the Other Benefits of Protein Shakes?

Proteins not only contribute to the growth of muscles but also help them to recover from tissue injuries. Athletes and gym enthusiasts prefer to drink a protein shake post-exercise to reduce injury and enhance muscular performance. Protein plays a vital role in muscle growth. It improves strength and overall muscle size, especially in people who perform intense exercises. Premier Protein Shake 30g is a good example of a tasty and healthy protein shake.

What are the Different Types of Protein Shakes?

There is a big market for protein shakes. There are natural and organic protein shakes and some that even come with additional supplements. Reviews of Atkins Protein-Rich Keto friendly Shake verify that protein shakes with natural ingredients are healthier and offer better results.

Soy Protein Shake

Soy protein shakes come from dehydrated soybean flakes. It has minimal fiber and sugar content. Soy contains essential amino acids and is an excellent option for people who avoid whey or casein. They are ideal for vegan diets or allergies. Reviews for Atkins Gluten Free Protein-Rich Shake is one brand you can refer to if you follow a keto diet.

 Pea Protein Shake

Pea is a plant-based protein shake rich in arginine. It is prepared by extracting the protein out of the peas and offers a gluten-free alternative.

Hemp Protein Shake

Hemp powder comes from ground hemp seeds and is a rich source of fatty acids. It offers an alternative to whey, casein, and other milk-based protein shakes. Top rated BOOST High Protein Balanced Nutritional Drink has reviews that suggest a balanced shake along with a good diet can work effectively to offer complete nutrition.

 Whey Protein Shake

Whey protein is a milk-based protein that dissolves in water. It contains all the essential amino acids that the human body requires. It is absorbed quickly by the body and is thus, popular among athletes. BestViewsReviews recommends quality and top-rated whey protein shakes based on thousands of user reviews and testing. Browse to see your favorite products and their ratings.

Casein Protein Shake

The casein protein is a product of dairy and is rich in glutamine. It speeds the process of muscle recovery. Casein protein is unsuitable for people who are allergic to milk or follow a vegan diet. It is advisable to take a Casein-rich shake at night as the body takes time to absorb it. Reviews of Iconic Protein Drinks Chocolate Truffle 12 Pack determine that it is best for people following a vegan diet.

How Much Protein does the Human Body Needs Daily?

 A 19-year-old and above should have 46 to 56 g of protein intake daily. The amount becomes challenging for people who are vegetarians or follow strict vegan diets. Protein shakes like Premier Protein 30g Protein Shakes can help fulfill the nutrition lacking in our diet.

It is advisable to take them ten or fifteen minutes before your workout sessions. If you are planning to consume it to lose weight, take it before going to bed. Read our blog to know how many protein shakes to take in a day.

Are There Any Side-Effects of Protein Shakes?

 Carbohydrates elevate insulin levels, involved in protein absorption. They promote muscle growth. Find a powder that has a suitable percentage of carbs per serving. Avoid any product that offers anything below 3 percent. Any protein shake containing 20 gm of proteins per serving is sufficient for a person who does light exercise levels, high-intensity exercises, and amateurs.

 It is also recommended to ditch the protein shakes that are loaded with artificial sweeteners. Sweeteners make your protein shake tasty but harm the good gut bacteria. They can also cause problems such as gas or bloating. So, go easy on your favorite cookie and a cream protein shake. It is not advisable to use protein shake as the primary source of your protein. You will lose out on essential vitamins and supplements that regular food offers, like eggs, meat, and pulses.


Protein shakes are a good source of extra nutrition for athletes, vegans, and older people. Protein is the building block of all connective tissues present in our body and helps produce various enzymes and hormones. Use all the information in our blog to choose a protein powder that will suit your build, digestive system, and other requirements. BestViewsReviews rates leading protein shakes based on flavor, ingredients, taste, and user satisfaction. Browse through our website to see more.

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