Home > Robotic Vacuums > Shark IQ Robot Vacuum AV1002AE with XL Self-Empty Base, Self-Cleaning Brushroll, Advanced Navigation, Wi-Fi, Compatible with Alexa, 2nd Generation

Shark IQ Robot Vacuum AV1002AE

Improved carpet cleaning performance,Wi-Fi, Compatible with Alexa, 2nd Generation
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About Shark IQ Robot Vacuum AV1002AE
75% found it versatile for various surfaces, but 25% didn't agree
The vacuum does a good job of cleaning under furniture and around obstacles on hardwood floors.
I found that the vacuum cleaned both hardwood floors and area rugs very well on the highest setting.
The vacuum works fantastic on hardwood floors and carpeted rooms.
I am impressed with the vacuum's ability to easily move onto elevated surfaces and traverse pretty much any floor type, including thick carpets and shag rugs.
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74% liked the noise level, but 26% didn't
The vacuum is not loud while working unless I am right next to it.
I have tested this vacuum and found that it is not the quietest, but still not distracting. You can easily watch television or carry on a conversation in the same room with it.
When emptying the bin, the vacuum is quite loud.
When the vacuum self-empties the on board bin, the noise level increases significantly and it sounds like an airplane taking off.
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73% highlighted the dustbin capacity, but 27% didn't find them exceptional
I saw the dust cup was completely full and got to see the trash exchange with the base.
The dustbin needs to be emptied once a month, depending on the amount of dust and debris I vacuum daily.
Due to dog hair, I have to empty IQ XL 3-4 times every cleaning.
68% appreciated the filteration system
The vacuum's high-efficiency filter can be attractive for someone with severe allergies.
67% were satisfied with the weight and maneuverability, but 33% weren't
I can easily move the vacuum onto elevated surfaces and go over pretty thick carpet, including shag rug.
I had to use weights in two areas to prevent the vacuum from getting stuck: under the king bed between the center leg and the wall, and at the bottom of the treadmill.
68% found the attachments and accessories helpful
The docking station with automatic emptying processes works incredibly well.
The vacuum comes with a charging base and brushes that can be snapped on to the bottom.
73% were satisfied with the battery life and charging time, but 27% weren't satisfied
On the highest suction setting, the vacuum's battery life is about 90 minutes, which is longer than the AV993.
I have noticed that the vacuum returns for charging about 75% of the time and has a maximum clean time of 1 hour. This is important as it allows me to set it for recharge and return to where it left off to ensure it completes the cleaning.
I have run the device in the middle of the day without any issue and the battery life is good.
I can clean an area of 500 sq ft in 40 minutes using half of my battery life.
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80% liked the suction power, but 20% didn't like
The suction power of our vacuum is quite strong, but not as strong as Roombas.
The suction power is good enough to keep most dirt off the floor, but it will miss some dirt.
For its size, the suction power is not as great as a regular vacuum cleaner, but it does a great job.
I have noticed that the suction power is strong and it picks up a lot of dirt, debris and pet hair from various surfaces.
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