A tricycle is like a bicycle but with three wheels instead of two. It offers more balance as compared to a bicycle as there are two riding wheels behind. Riding a tricycle improves the balance, concentration, and coordination skills of your child, and also acts as a great form of outdoor exercise. Tricycles have a robust frame with a chain mechanism to propel. Some models have pedals while others use motors for their easy movement. The size of wheels also differs with brands and models. That is why, it is good to consider things like size, portability, and material before buying.
Factors You Need to Consider Before Buying Tricycle
Safety is the most significant factor when it comes to your child’s outdoor activities. A tricycle should come with safety features like bells, reflectors, flags, and lights. The built of the product should match the acceptable industry standards. Make sure that you invest in a sturdy helmet and pad for added safety. The trikes are safe, lightweight, and comfortable.
The most commonly used materials in tricycles are steel and plastic. Steel frames are sturdier and durable while plastic trikes are easy to clean and lightweight. We recommend you choose the one as per your budget and requirement.
Some tricycles can be folded easily and stored away conveniently. Some are heavy and require more space for storage. A heavier tricycle might provide more stability but it is advised to go with a mid-sized one as they are not only sturdy but portable too. One good example can be KidsEmbrace Nickelodeon.
Child's Age
The age of your child can help you buy the right type of tricycle. You can go with trikes with no pedals if your kid is less than 3 years old. This is because your kid might love to slide their trikes instead of pedaling. It will also help in providing better exercise for lower body muscles.
Reviews of Razor RipRider 360 show that it is one of the best caster bikes in the market. It has a lightweight design and 360-degree swivel wheels.
Assembling Options
Tricycles usually come in easy assembly options but you can also get pre-assembled variants easily. Many models also include assembly guides to help you set up the tricycle in just a few simple steps. You can also take professional help to get your tricycle assembled. Reviews of Fisher-Price Harley-Davidson claim that this model is easy to assemble.
Tips to Keep in Mind While Buying Tricycles
- Helmets should be worn at all times to avoid any accidents
- Try avoiding bad roads and busy areas if your child is new to the tricycle
- Ensure that the tricycle’s size is as per your child’s age and is strong and durable
At What Age Can My Child Start Riding Tricycles or Trikes?
Trikes are meant for kids above two years of age. Your one-year-old toddler can also ride it with added stability and a convertible scooter design. It is good to ensure that the tires are compatible with the surface as otherwise, it may lead to accidents. Trikes are generally safe and act as a great option as kids' bikes.
What Are the Different Types of Tricycles?
Push Tricycles
Push tricycles can be used as a stroller during the first few rides of your toddler. They come with added convenience and stability. They are riced slightly towards the expensive side as compared to other types. Your kid can start using them before they are one year old. The KidsEmbrace Paw Patrol is a high-quality push bike that has got good reviews for its contoured seat, padded high back, and large, UV-protective canopy.
Big Wheel Tricycles
Big wheel tricycles have a lesser height than the standard tricycles but with bigger wheels for added stability. There is little possibility of tippling over or getting hurt with them. These bicycles are usually available in plastic variants.
Benefits of Riding a Tricycle for Kids
Improved Coordination And Balance
Tricycle is the best way to teach tour kids the right coordination and balance. Kids get to understand the basic fundamentals of riding with the help of tricycles. They learn to maintain the right upright body posture to balance their body. This also improves the valuable motor skills of your child from an early age.
Riding trikes like Razor FlashRider fill kids with confidence and self-belief. The kids, riding trikes for a long time have the confidence to ride mid-sized bikes. It gets easier for them to switch to the tougher riding option. This reduces your effort to encourage them to ride bikes because they are already confident about that.
Tricycles are the safest option to make your kids learn how to ride on roads. This is because kids do not have to worry about balancing. Their focus stays on steering, slowing down their trikes, and avoiding obstacles. We recommend you stay with your kids when they are learning to ride.
Cycling bikes offer a great way to commute and also acts as great exercise equipment. You should always wear bike helmets while riding on roads.
Buying a tricycle is a good way to motivate your child to spend some time outdoors. These are good for their health as well as create confidence in them. You should consider bikes that come with a long push handle if you are looking for push tricycles. The wheels of your selected variant should have a good grip to run in the garden or backyard space.
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