Home > Vitamin B-Complex Supplements > Vitamin B Complex - Contains All Essential B Vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12 and Biotin - Super B Complex Vitamins for Energy, Immunity and Mood Support - 90 Tablets ; Visit the NURTURLY Store

Vitamin B Complex - Contains All Essential B Vitamins 90 Tablets

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26,853 reviews covering 38 products for the category Vitamin B-Complex Supplements

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About Vitamin B Complex - Contains All Essential B Vitamins 90 Tablets
96% didn't experience side effects; however, 4% experienced adverse reactions or allergic responses
I have experienced extreme side effects after taking vitamin-b-complex-supplements, including numbness in hands and feet, tingling all over the body, burning, extreme nausea, muscle spasms, dizziness, and indigestion. My B12 and B9 levels were both double the limit needed, and I am awaiting results on B6, which doctors suspect is the cause of the symptoms.
95% found it palatable; however, 5% disliked the taste or experienced aftertaste
I take quite a bit of vitamins and the smell of this one is the most horrendous I've ever experienced.
The higher quality, more easily digestible vitamin B has an awful smell.

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