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POLICE Stun Gun 928 - 59 Billion Heavy Duty Rechargeable with LED Flashlight

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6,604 reviews covering 18 products for the category Stun Guns

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About POLICE Stun Gun 928 - 59 Billion Heavy Duty Rechargeable with LED Flashlight
92% were satisfied with the safety features
Stun-guns are a good option for anyone who needs protection or deterrent, especially young girls/older women, those unfamiliar with guns, and religious individuals with an aversion to killing.
I carry a stun-gun while walking my dog to protect her from other dogs that run loose in my area.
I like the safety feature of my stun-gun that zaps someone if they try to grab it from me.
90% were satisfied with the size and portability
The stun-gun has an attached strap that keeps it firmly in my hand and a flashlight that makes it inconspicuous to anyone else.
90% found it ergonomic
When I carry the stun gun in my right hand, other people see it and hold their aggressive or overly friendly dogs at bay because they assume it's a taser.
92% highlighted the range and effectiveness
I bought the second gun for actual use as I want a fully charged gun if I am actually going after someone.
83% liked the voltage output, but 17% found it unstable
I accidentally turned on the stun-gun for testing and felt a painful electric current shoot up my left arm and to my shoulder area.

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