Home > Stun Guns > Mini Stun Gun with LED Flashlight and Wrist Strap – Unique Key fob Design ; Brand: Recolorfine

Recolorfine Mini Stun Gun with LED Flashlight

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6,604 reviews covering 18 products for the category Stun Guns

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About Recolorfine Mini Stun Gun with LED Flashlight
69% highlighted the range and effectiveness
I fired the stun-gun for the first time and it set off my window break alarm. It packs a punch for something so small and seems like it will work.
69% appreciated the activation mechanism
When I fired the stun-gun for the first time, it set off my window break alarm.
81% were satisfied with the safety features
I appreciate the lock button and the intimidating sight and sound of my stun gun, which makes me feel more secure while carrying it. I also feel comfortable carrying it while walking alone after dark or anytime a creepy person is in close proximity.
70% liked the voltage output, but 30% found it unstable
I fired the stun-gun for the first time and it set off my window break alarm. It has a high voltage output.
I noticed that the stun gun has only 5000 volts while another device at the same price point has 22 million volts.

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