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beyetori Cell Phone Signal Booster for Home Signal Booster 4G LTE 5G Cell Phone Booster

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About beyetori Cell Phone Signal Booster for Home Signal Booster 4G LTE 5G Cell Phone Booster
79% appreciated the installation process, but 21% disagreed
After installing the signal booster, my signal strength increased from one or zero bars to five bars.
It took me a while to figure out how to fit the pieces, but it became easier later.
The installation process can be difficult and time-consuming if the instructions are not followed properly. However, I am happy with the performance of the signal-booster after installation.
81% talked about the indoor coverage area
The signal booster is convenient for indoor use as it is light in weight and easy to mount.
80% liked the amplication power
I noticed the signal strength increased from one or zero bars to five.
After using the signal booster, my download speed improved by 35% to 100% and my upload speed is now 10 times faster.
79% were satisfied with the frequency range coverage, but 21% weren't satisfied
After mounting the signal booster on my roof, I now have full 4g signal everywhere in my home, even in the basement.
The signal booster design is thoughtful and achieves the goal with the lowest cost possible. The antenna matching impedance is achieved well with the smallest size. The RF coaxial cable is thin but the insertion loss is still acceptable except for at low end 700MHz.
I tested the signal booster using a 2" diameter by 10 foot PVC pipe, mounted the booster Yagi antenna and spent 30 minutes outside aiming the antenna every 5 - 10 degrees around the compass, while checking the signal strength on a mobile phone inside the house.

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