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Episode 10: David Lesser, CEO Numina At-Home Transformation Retreat with BestViewsReviews

David has founded an incredibly empowering retreat to be done on your own at home through his proven coaching methods, it's called the Numina At-Home Transformation Retreat. It's valued at $139 and sold on Amazon.

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About the host

Sanya Arora is the host of the podcast "The Product Life," which explores the world of products and innovation. Sanya is a content writer and social media influencer, sharing insights and interviews with brand owners about the latest trends, challenges, and best practices in product development and sales.Throughout the podcast, Sanya discusses a variety of topics, including product strategy, design thinking, user research, agile methodologies, and more. She also interviews experts in their fields who can offer valuable insight into the process of product development.

Podcast Outline


Sanya : Hi everyone, welcome to the product life, this is your host Sanya Arora. We at BestViewsReviews aim to provide you with the best selection of products with honest reviews. Our product selection algorithms are also constantly updated so you can find the best deals on everything from home & electronics to skincare & beauty. So for today’s episode I have with me our guest of the day, David Lesser, the CEO and founder of Numina at home transformation retreat. He has guided people and organistaions through crucial transitions for over 35 years. So David could you tell more about yourself and your business to our viewers?


David : Yes, and I am a former CEO myself, you can tell from my accent I was born and brought up in London and I’ve always been committed to making a difference to helping people be more fully themselves. I realised one thing that in the CEO role I was more boxed in than I wanted to to be then I could offer more by being a guide, a confidant to other leaders. So I’ve been coaching and I’ve been luck enough to be working with some of the very great leaders. Some knowns, some startup kind of people but its been such an honor to help people discover who they are, find a really conducive way to express that in the world. So that’s my background and then during the pandemic we had a challenge, I love to work with people in depth so always start an assignment with a retreat. My wife and I have them come to our house and we would explore different parts of their inner landscape, who they really are and how they fully express that in their life and world. But we couldn’t do that in the pandemic so we found mother of invention and we developed a retreat that we could do over zoom. So all the instructions and materials that you need to create your self guided transformation retreat and then realised you know you don’t have to have a coach to do this. We can make it so clear that people can do it at home and now its available right here on amazon. You can buy the retreat and you get all the instructions and materials you need to create your own transformation retreat for yourself.


Sanya : Okay so that’s great. I would like to know what are the kind of products you offer to empower life?


David : Well apart from the coaching, I actually have 2 products on amazon. So one is the at home retreat which you do on your own and second we call the mutual empowerment retreat and I have a special invitation for people at the end about that. Its our new product which you do with a colleague, a friend or your partner and so you do the retreat together and deep brief each other. So you go deep together and get that sense of connecting and clarifying relationship with each other, finding ways to bring out the best in someone you care about, you work with, you live with.


Sanya : Great so what was the idea behind launching a store that focuses mainly on transforming lives?


David : Well very simply because I think the world is this way it is because we are the way we are and most of the time that is because its more of us than is inexpression and I always found that the best way to make things happen to make good things happen for people is to facilitate people to get to know who they are, to be self aware, to realise what it is that they have to bring and to commit to not leeting anything stop them create an environment where they can bring theur best stuff. So that’s really what its all about. We want to make the biggest difference, facilitate people, support people, support your best friend, be more fully who she\/he is.


Sanya : That’s quite insightful, your products seem to be really interesting so I would like to know that how do these products help in personal growth for various individuals?


David : So in the transformation retreat there are five processes and these are designed based on the work we did with CEOs and our own home as part of the consecutive coaching leadership work that I’ve done over the years. The 5 processes help you discover the future you want and we do that through working with a collage of images that you choose and it expresses where you want to go, who you see yourself being. We have a process called the life walk where you get to review the life to date and do some acknowledgement and healing about difficult moments in your life and bring the best from those moments that you’ve learnt to turn challenging experiences into assets, recognisig the skills and quality that you’ve learnt often because of challenging times in your life and then we’ve got another process where you get to express your big want, you get to find out what’s holding you back in a process that we call big risk and then you get to have a vision of your life when you walk the rest of your life so to speak in process number 5 and create a vision and get support, give yourself support to fulfil the vision you have.


Sanya : Okay great, I would also like to know the meaning behind the name of your brand Numina.


David : Numina means your unique gift. So its phenomenon, outer events that happen and numina our inner qualities. The quality or character of a person or a thing.


Sanya : So we’re almost at the end of this podcast so would like to add a little more about your products or your business?


David : What we are asking for is people to help us develop a mutual empowerment retreat. So I’m making the offer, I would like to offer for free the retreat to 2 people who want to do it together in exchange for the videos of you doing the work together so that we could help other people learn not just this home retreat or the mutual retreat with a friend, a colleague or your partner. You do the retreat together and we have a whole system of dial hooks where you deep brief together. So someone wants to try that for free they can write to me at david@numina.team and we’ll talk to you about how to do the mutual empowerment retreat free so we could help us develop it for other people in the future.


Sanya : That’s a great offer so with this we come to the end of this episode. I would recommend our viewers to go and chechout numina products and you guys can also find a wide range of best-selling products at BestViewsReviews. Thank you so much David for coming over here and interacting with us. I would also like to thank our viewers for watching this episode. Stay tune for another episode of the Product Life. Thank you so much.