Home > Pest Control Traps > Humane Catch and Release Indoor/Outdoor Mouse Traps Pack of 2 - Easy Set Durable Traps, Safe for Children, Pets and Humans - Instantly Remove Unwanted Vermin from Your Home ; Visit the GEROSSI Store

Humane Catch and Release Indoor / Outdoor Mouse Traps

Traps Pack of 2 Easy Set durable Traps,quick and easy VERmin removal,both indoor and outdoor use
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96,443 reviews covering 49 products for the category Pest Control Traps

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About Humane Catch and Release Indoor / Outdoor Mouse Traps
86% found it weather resistant, however, 14% did not
We need to add more ventilation holes to the traps to prevent the mouse from dying in hot and humid environments.
Sometimes, the door of this product can be extremely hard to open, especially in hot or humid weather.
96% were satisfied with the trap design
The bait box was difficult to remove, but it was worth the effort because the trap itself was easy to set.
I am satisfied with the design, craftsmanship, durability and effectiveness of the traps after using them for the first time.
97% were satisfied with the capture capacity
I caught two mice within 24 hours and released them at a safe distance from home.
I caught a vole within 5 hours of setting up the trap, indicating its good capture capacity for pest control.
I caught 2 mice in 6 hours, indicating the capture capacity of the pest-control-traps.
97% liked the bait compatibility
I used bologna sausage as bait and it worked. The pests only like cheese in cartoons.
With cheese in it, I caught the little guy in less than a day.
I set the trap with peanut butter bait all the way in the back and caught a pet mouse by 7 PM, based on my experience.

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