Home > Hole Punches > Leather Hole Punch,Belt Hole Puncher for Leather, Revolving Punch Plier Kit,Leather Punch Plier for Leather, Belts, Watches, Handbags, Leather Punch Tool for Belts Diameter : 4.5/4 /3.5/3/2.5/2mm. ; Visit the WDDBHSKN Store

WDDBHSKN Leather Hole Punch,Belt Hole Puncher for Leather, Revolving Punch Plier Kit

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12,245 reviews covering 13 products for the category Hole Punches

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About WDDBHSKN Leather Hole Punch,Belt Hole Puncher for Leather, Revolving Punch Plier Kit
85% liked the high sheet capacity
I use the product to punch holes into orthosis material of various thickness and strapping, and it's great.
91% praised the accurate punching, yet 9% found it misaligned
I was able to put a hole through a thick leather belt, doubled up and still went right through both sides using the hole punch.
The hole punched by the tool is not clean and ragged, and it does not even go through 2 layers of vinyl.
84% praised the comfortable handle
I find the hole-punch easy to grip and use to produce the right size hole as long as I follow the instructions.
96% found it easy to use
It is fairly simple to figure out how to use it.
I found it extremely easy to use and a handy device that I didn't know I needed.
It is super easy to use and does not require a lot of force to apply pressure.
95% appreciated the sturdy build
The leather hole punch is strong, well made and heavy duty.
I have no doubt that I will still be using the hole punch for years to come due to its sturdy design.
92% liked the adjustable settings, while 8% found them confusing
Storing the product in a space-saving way can be time-consuming as the size adjuster needs to be modified and the metal loop on the handle has to be latched when working quickly between patients.

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