Home > Dog Wormers > Bayer Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Dogs, 5-Count Praziquantel Tablets for Dogs and Puppies 4 Weeks and Older

Bayer Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Dogs

tapeworm dewormer,the common tapeworms,praziquantel Tablets,5 Count praziquantel Tablets
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6,669 reviews covering 34 products for the category Dog Wormers

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About Bayer Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Dogs
78% were impressed with rapid action
I found that the product effectively killed stubborn tapeworms within 24 hours, even after trying other ineffective wormers.
81% reported no side effects, but 19% experienced mild issues
I took the medication and it cleared up the tapeworms within a couple of days with no side effects.
I used the pill on my dog and had no side effects.
After taking the dewormer, my dog became lethargic and her eyes seemed glazed. One of her eyes couldn't open for a bit.
I noticed that my dog had a loss of appetite and fatigue for a couple of days after taking the wormer, which concerns me.
80% found the safety excellent
The product is safe for both my dog and her puppies.
75% praised the effectiveness
After taking the medication as directed, my puppy's tapeworm problem was solved excellently. The huge poop eliminated the entire tapeworm and there have been no warm segments or indications of infection since then.
After taking the recommended dosage, I didn't notice any tapeworm segments after 12 hours.
78% appreciated the long protection
After a few weeks of using the product, the worms came back and I did another dose and the worms were gone again.

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