Home > Commercial Aviation Books > Tiger in the Sea: The Ditching of Flying Tiger 923 and the Desperate Struggle for Survival ; 'n by, Eric Lindner, 'n

Eric Lindner, Tiger in the Sea: The Ditching of Flying Tiger 923 and the Desperate Struggle for Survival

The Desperate Struggle for Survival, 'n by, Eric Lindner, 'n ; Features: 'n by, Eric Lindner, 'n ; Features: 'n by, Eric Lindner, 'n ; Features: 'n by, Eric Lindner, '
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BVR Rating

101 reviews
Binding and pages quality
Easy to read
Easy to understand
Overall satisfaction
Value for money
Analysis of 100+ reviews for Eric Lindner, Tiger in the Sea: The Ditching of Flying Tiger 923 and the Desperate Struggle for Survival

BestViewsReviews analyzed 6,517 reviews for 8 products in the Commercial Aviation Books category.


We analyzed a total of 101 reviews for this product out of which, 60 reviews were received in the last 6 months.


The analysis indicates that around 83% reviews were positive while around 10% of reviews had negative sentiment.

BestViewsReviews Ranking and Score for Eric Lindner, Tiger in the Sea: The Ditching of Flying Tiger 923 and the Desperate Struggle for Survival

This product received a total score of 9.40 out of 10 , based on review sentiments and user opinions related to 6 features:

Binding and pages quality
Easy to read
Easy to understand
Overall satisfaction
Value for money
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