Home > Beneficial Pest Control Insects > Natures Good Guys - Triple Blend Beneficial Nematodes HB+SC+SF (50 Million) ; Brand: NaturesGoodGuys

Nature's Good Guys Triple Blend Beneficial Nematodes

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About Nature's Good Guys Triple Blend Beneficial Nematodes
77% liked its long-lasting effectiveness
It took about a week for the adult gnats to start dying off and no new gnats were being hatched thanks to the Nematodes. Now, after 12 days, our house is almost gnat free.
86% found it effective on pests
Within 48 hours, not a single grub was visible. I had thousands of grubs in three of my garden beds and every trowel I made had at least 20 grubs and some the size of my thumb. The product worked like magic.
Nematodes effectively kill eggs in the soil and trap or kill adults on sticky paper or in the soil.
81% were satisfied with the ease of use
Applying beneficial pest control insects is easy and straightforward.

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