Home > Beneficial Pest Control Insects > Environmental Factor 50 x 1 Million Benifical Nematodes (S.feltiae) Pot Popper Pro Gnat & Thrip Control ; The Environmental Factor Inc.

Environmental Factor 50 x 1 Million Benifical Nematodes (S.feltiae) Pot Popper Pro Gnat & Thrip Control

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About Environmental Factor 50 x 1 Million Benifical Nematodes (S.feltiae) Pot Popper Pro Gnat & Thrip Control
67% liked its long-lasting effectiveness
After using the product a year ago, I have not seen a single fungus gnat yet.
71% found it effective on pests
The plant packets solved my problem of house plant gnats by releasing invisible neotodes that only eat the gnat larvae.
I found the product effective in eliminating the fungus gnat infestation within a week.
74% were satisfied with the ease of use
I love the ready-to-use pouches of the product. The application process is easy and straightforward, making it convenient for me.

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