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threesheep Fitness Tracker for Men and Women

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About threesheep Fitness Tracker for Men and Women
69% were happy with the connectivity options, but 31% weren't
The activity-fitness-tracker synced up with no issues to my android phone and provided accurate readings.
I had trouble connecting my watch to the Rummefit app, and even after trying Runmifit, I could not receive notifications or calls.
I have to pair the bluetooth again to get notifications as it keeps losing.
The product randomly disconnects from my phone and I have to redo the whole pairing process. It also refuses to pair at all.
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69% appreciated the accuracy, while 31% didn't
For my purposes, the step counter is accurate enough.
For the price, this tracker is amazing and fairly accurate in measuring blood pressure.
I compared the blood pressure accuracy of the tracker with the hospital's blood pressure monitor and found it to be almost identical. I was amazed by the accuracy of the tracker.
I am not able to reach my daily step goal of 10k steps as the tracker does not count steps when strolling around the house and there is always an undercount.
68% were impressed by the battery life, but 32% weren't
The battery holds a charge for about 2 weeks.
I was having issues with the tracker tracking incorrectly and figured it was the battery. I charged it overnight but still had the same issues.
71% praised its waterproof design
I tested the waterproof-ness of the activity-fitness-tracker by jumping in the pool and swimming a few laps. I realized that I was still wearing the watch and removed it. It has been working ever since, so the activity-fitness-tracker is waterproof and can be worn during swimming.

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